Wednesday 4 April 2012

Unit 5: Animation - Week 2 - 2D Animation

Hello Everyone,

Sorry I have been MIA, its been a hectic few weeks just thought I would post my animation stuff up for week 2. Hadn't had the chance until now, got many things moving in the background. Never the less I have been working on other things they are just not ready to be posted as of yet.

For week 2 we were required to do gesture drawings another 60 or so (10 in class and then 50 during the week). We were also required to create some animations which I found kinda tough because I am trying to conserve paper. Week 4's stuff will probably have to wait till I have completed the final animation to make sure I don't run out...

Anyway lets get down to the required...

The image above shows my 85 gesture drawings which were done throughout the course of week 2. Some were better completed then others but I thought the real idea of the exercise was to establish form in a quick and rapid pace. Hence why i kept all images to a 1 minute drawing spree...

The video above is my sitting/standing animation which Meg had us draw as she stood from a chair. I managed to get some basic lines down but for the most part it was a difficult thing to isolate sheer moments. Still it's a learning curve but I managed to construct something not unfamiliar to megs stand.

The next video (shown above) is my ordinary walk cycle. I thought this went pretty well considering that I did it in the space of an hour. This gave me more confidence in my animating ability, from here I was pretty much ready to confront our final piece of homework which was the demeanour of our character...

For this video (shown above) problems came a little more thick and fast. I had the walk down all slumped looking very oafish, but the trip I elongated and therefore made more complicated. After some surgery the video flowed and really conveyed the impact of my drawn character impacting the ground and becoming dazed...

Well that concludes week 2 of our 2D animation class, I was quite gutted that I missed the other 2 weeks. I will make up for it with the homework - week 3 has already been finished. Still it would have been nice to see what other techniques Meg had to offer... hey ho...

I'm hoping my lamp walk cycle will follow this post, we will have to see I need to use the scanner and my mates zbrushing...

Over & Out,

1 comment:

  1. Well done for keeping up, Stitch - and I love that sheet of gesture drawings!
