Sunday 2 October 2011

Unit 1: Anatomy - Interim Online Review - 10/04/2011

Unit 1 - Anatomy - Green Light Review

Links to Additional Unit Specific Posts

Time Management:

Anatomy Studies:

Life Classes:



  1. Hi Stitch, my name is Paul and I'm a second year CG A&A student. Phil may have mentioned that a few second years are mentor'ing the first years? I am your mentor!

    If you have any questions regarding your work, projects or blogging etc feel free to give me a shout!

    Just read some of your recent posts, really like where you are going with your Walrus, or rather Waldepeer design. The only thing I would say is imagine yourself with subtle characteristics of a walrus. It looks like you are a dab hand already with digital painting, (I'm useless) but I got brownie points on my final piece for emphasising the humanity of my hybrid. I had a sloth last year so basically drew myself, with a slightly extended neck, elongated arms and added some fur. Your final image in your scribd is great, but it looks like a Walrus with human arms. We wanna see Waldepeer!!

    Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing your final piece!!

  2. Hey Paul, it's nice to meet you.

    Thanks yeah I'll make sure to give you a shout if I get in a bind. Just been taking the night off, havnt been sleeping too much lately lol.

    I'm glad you like it this far, yeah I do okay with it, been using it to design for the past 9 or s's nice to branch into concept with it though. That's my big dream...

    Yeah I know I havnt even evaluated the facial features yet. It will look like me I was happy with the body too because the chest looks remarkably like mine lol

    Waldepeer will be me and I will look into distorting features with my next development. Thanks for the advice Paul, I will do my best for Waldepeer!!!

  3. OGR 03/10/11

    Hey Stitch,

    Paul - your mentor - is absolutely right in terms of the more subtle challenges of this project brief, and while the latest conception of Waldepeer has charm, the 'self-portraiture' element has fallen away - and also, in terms of your silhouettes, actually they're all a bit spongey, because the walrus anatomy is dominant, and I'd suggest it's time to drill into something more properly 'logical' and 'cause and effect'. Personally, that very first thumnbnail with the wheelchair continues to provoke my imagination, and I think The Elephant Man chimes with your particular splice. At risk of sending you into the darker corners of the www, I want you to look at actual imagery of limb fusion and distortion and 'freaks' - that wheelchair so strongly suggests that Waldepeer is somehow disabled by his splice, I think this more 'realisitic' and 'humane' approach would pay real dividends; so, for example:

    You know, though you've couched your project in sci-fi terms, you might want to consider presenting your portrait as a 'relic' - with the tonality and texture of a Victorian photograph - somekind of medical documentation of some incredible medical discovery. My view would be that you need to deal with all that bulk, all that extra skin and weight - with the quality of that skin, it's roughness, the hang of it, and you need to deal more 'logically' with the face and the dentistry! You have the technical skill and the work ethic to push this project much further, and I'm encouraging you to do so. There is a fundamental immobility and inelegance to the walrus, and that's the quality on which I capitalise on - because it has rammifications for the human experience of the body.

    Regarding your assignment, you need first to prove the usefulness of metamorphosis as a means by which storytellers create discussion around morality. You're jumping directly into case-studies, and you run the risk of structuring your essay around a repetition of the same point - i.e. that monstrousness of appearance is used in contradiction to the inner life of a character. You're not wrong, of course, but you need to build a proper context, so I suggest you actually make 'physiognomy' your point of entry. You also need to read some published articles/sources etc. as your assignment is looking pretty lightweight at the moment in terms of wider reading. So - research 'physiognomy' and get some proper context under your belt.

    Meanwhile - nice OGR document.
